My articles, lectures and papers

Index of my articles, lectures, and papers that will help you find your way

Petr Korab
4 min readMay 8, 2024

On my blog, you find:

  • my articles on medium and in other professional periodicals
  • my recent research papers
  • my lecture slides and teaching materials

My fields of interest are text mining, applied machine learning, and data visualization. I mostly make applications to economics, either from a research perspective (papers) or with data products and Python libraries that can be used in academia and business. This index is regularly updated:

Blog articles

║ Article ║ Topic ║ GitHub ║
Text Data Pre-processing for Time-Series Models ║ Data cleaning ║ repo
Arabica: A Python Package for Exploratory ║ EDA ║ repo
Analysis of Text Data ║ ║ ║
Text as Time Series



Petr Korab

Post-doc at Zeppelin University / Python engineer / text mining / data Viz